The extent to which network marketing reps can satisfactorily answer this question, is the extent to which reps will get recruits. I have a quality leads link at
These leads are cold market but you still have to email or talk to them on the phone to present the opportunity. So they will become warm as reps build communications with these leads.
Don't tell prospects to make a list of 100 people because most can't make such a list. Don't tell them to expect to sign up parents or family members as this doesn't happen most of the time.This can happen when you become successful.
If someone gets 200 leads in a month, they could get 4 sign ups if they have knowledge of professional inviting. Lack of knowledge and not enough prospect inviting is why most people fail in network marketing.
The 6 step inviting formula works in any network marketing business.The formula is: 1/ Greet- get prospects to talk freely, 2/ qualify-find out their needs and wants or don't wants as it pertains to your business.3/ Invite them to watch a video online or dvd or hear a cd or one on one presentation or to join you and your partners at a business opportunity presentation (meeting). 4/ handle questions and objections, 5/ close to action- provide a url, or a dvd or a cd or business opportunity presentation (meeting) time and location. 6/Follow up or follow through- call them back at an appointed time to help them to sign up if interested or to wish them well if not.
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