Yes, for real. It doesn't seem to make logical sense that "feel good" subliminal messages produce more results than "financial success" messages. But I've found from experience that this is the case. You should feel really relaxed and "good" physically, your health could even improve because stress is the "criminal" for most people. Yes, stress "robs" us of magnetism, health and "wealth". The more "relaxed", detached and "feeling good" that you are, the more you increase your "luck" potential because everything is vibration. Vibrations attract like vibrations. So if you're feeling stressed, worried, anxious, you're likely to have more health issues and more financial issues. It's not that once you get "paper", everything will be alright. It's that when everything within you is feeling good and you're centered and relaxed, the outer results fall into the "right" place. Try it for yourself and see if it works.
Focus on feeling good for a week and note the outer results in your experience. Compare this with all the times you feel worried, anxious, tense, fearful, stressed, depressed, angry and see if the results you get when feeling good are much better than the material/financial/relationship results you get when feeling bad. This "feeling good" can't be superficial but deeper below the surface on a subconscious level. Test it and prove it. See if the Universe doesn't pour into your store house more than you can hold or contain. You'll see faster and more profound change in circumstances this way. Mind Tech
Friday, August 26, 2011
The Real Time Success Relief Plan For Your Biz !
The real time success relief plan is for real ! 1/ First you claim your prepaid NPN pro membership e-certificate at the "Pay-You-Forward" link at Phone Search Agent .
2/ Then you order your 100 guaranteed sign ups for $35 U.S. at the "Sign Up Bonus" page. You should start to see sign ups pour in to your referral link within 48 hours. You will know because Global NPN will notify you immediately via email as they sign up (they should click on the "join now" link).
3/ You follow up with them immediately by email telling them that you have available a prepaid pro membership e-certificate for them to claim at no cost to them and no obligation on their part. You also tell them that this e-certificate gives them a 30 day trial of pro membership including earning residual referral commission and using the pro level internet marketing tools in the back office.
4/ Copy and paste their email addresses into a word document called "NPN Leads". This is so you can keep track of the sign ups you ordered and the ones you have already messaged regarding the prepaid pro membership e-certificates giving them a free upgrade.
Please note that they won't be counted in your NPN genealogy list of subscribers until they either subscribe or claim your prepaid e-certificate offer. NPN will know that they are unsubscribed referrals. That's why you save their email addresses on your leads list.
2/ Then you order your 100 guaranteed sign ups for $35 U.S. at the "Sign Up Bonus" page. You should start to see sign ups pour in to your referral link within 48 hours. You will know because Global NPN will notify you immediately via email as they sign up (they should click on the "join now" link).
3/ You follow up with them immediately by email telling them that you have available a prepaid pro membership e-certificate for them to claim at no cost to them and no obligation on their part. You also tell them that this e-certificate gives them a 30 day trial of pro membership including earning residual referral commission and using the pro level internet marketing tools in the back office.
4/ Copy and paste their email addresses into a word document called "NPN Leads". This is so you can keep track of the sign ups you ordered and the ones you have already messaged regarding the prepaid pro membership e-certificates giving them a free upgrade.
Please note that they won't be counted in your NPN genealogy list of subscribers until they either subscribe or claim your prepaid e-certificate offer. NPN will know that they are unsubscribed referrals. That's why you save their email addresses on your leads list.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
You can get 100 guaranteed sign ups for $25. I kid you not. They work !
Just letting you know that this online biz of NPN is all about getting sign ups. Once you get the sign ups, they can take their time to decide to upgrade or not. They don't have to pay the entry level fee at Global NPN. Let me make this abundantly clear. No one has to pay an entry level fee to join NPN as it is absolutely free to join. Just tell your sign ups to click on the "join now" link not on the button. Only paid members get the benefits of internet marketing tools and the right to earn money but anyone can sign up free ! Just click on the "join now" link.
You can order 100 guaranteed sign ups at at the "$88 sign up bonus" page. When you order your guaranteed sign ups to condense time, just tell the sign up website that prepaid pro membership e-certificates are available, 1 at a time, at your e-certificate link. This is the fastest way I know to fill up your down line. When the sign ups understand that they can do the very same thing as you by duplication, your organization should grow in record time. This is your financial freedom recipe. Just claim the pro membership e-certificate at Phone Search Agent at the Pay-You-Forward link to get your business rolling !
You can order 100 guaranteed sign ups at at the "$88 sign up bonus" page. When you order your guaranteed sign ups to condense time, just tell the sign up website that prepaid pro membership e-certificates are available, 1 at a time, at your e-certificate link. This is the fastest way I know to fill up your down line. When the sign ups understand that they can do the very same thing as you by duplication, your organization should grow in record time. This is your financial freedom recipe. Just claim the pro membership e-certificate at Phone Search Agent at the Pay-You-Forward link to get your business rolling !
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Power Of Asking For What You Want
The Power of Asking for What You Want
Written by Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher
There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life. You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time. Yet, when you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master.
One of the main ingredients in conscious manifesting is how you ask for what you want. When you ask in a firm clear way for that which you desire, it's as if you are throwing a powerful magnetic boomerang into the Universe that will soon return with your desired outcome. A specific request shows that you are clear and sincere about letting go of wanting/needing your desire, and moving into the feeling of receiving your outcome in the physical world. The energy from releasing your attachment to any desire naturally starts the manifesting process. It's like the moment you actually let go of the boomerang, knowing that very soon it'll return to you with the actual manifestation! You see, the energy behind making requests (instead of wishes, hopes or demands) is much more powerful in that it requires you to be humble, realistic and grounded about who you are and what you honestly want in your life. This deeper honesty allows the Universal intelligence that surrounds and penetrates you to truly hear your request and thus assist you in manifesting it!
“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain
Using your physical voice to ask the Universe to help you manifest your desired outcome is a fantastic way to clarify your intention. When you say anything out loud, your body begins to align with the energetic vibration of whatever your statement was. For example, if you ask the Universe out loud to purchase and drive your new car down the road with one hand on the wheel and your hair blowing in the air, the feeling of that request sinks deeply into the Universal subconscious mind, as your body begins to FEEL what it is like to drive off in your new vehicle. The spoken word engages the senses, it activates the mind fully and opens all the energy centers in your body. Words are very powerful and can make the difference in manifesting what you want, or what you don't want. Each word you speak possesses its own unique vibration which is felt inside your body the instant it is said. When you state something out loud, you are in essence proclaiming who you are (or who you will become) to the entire Universe. You are no longer hiding in your own private Universe of thoughts. Verbalizing your thoughts makes you go beyond the world of separation and create a deeper commitment to yourself. This greater commitment level focuses the normally scattered energy of the mind, and actually initiates the final manifestation!
"People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you've figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence." ~ Jack Canfield
Another powerful part of manifesting what you want is through letting go of the outcome. If you ask for something and then you are attached to it manifesting, your energy will tighten and contract, which stops the flow towards you and the final manifestation from occurring. When you feel that something has to happen for you to be happy, you send out desperate and needy energy into the Universe. This panic shuts down your ability to receive. You are a vibrational field of energy, and when you are contracted you are making it very difficult to attract expanded experiences. So each time you ask for something that you desire, we suggest that you consciously let go of it occurring by saying something out loud like, "I ask that the Universe supports me in manifesting (whatever you desire), and I am perfectly OK with whatever outcome that occurs because I can choose to find happiness with no matter what!" This true energetic detachment from outcome is amazing, and a sure fire technique to engage in instant manifestation as long as you are true to your word.
"As we want it and allow is." ~Esther Hicks
Most manifestation experts will say that making a request out loud is just proclaiming that you don't have your desired outcome and are thus just manifesting more of the same lacking experience. That outcome will undoubtedly occur if you are asking from a place of being disconnected from the Universe. If you can find a quiet space inside yourself where your mind is silent you will feel highly connected to the greatest Source of energy, information and power that you can imagine. It happens without your effort, when you stop trying to connect and just relax into this divinity that is already here now. By transcending the needy grasping mind you engage the Universe to become "one" with you. From this place you can ask for anything, and know without a smidgeon of doubt that it will manifest for you. There already is such an intimate relationship established with the Universe on a sub-atomic level that once the mind is quieted, that realization of connection is instantly uncovered.
"To understand the magical nature of the mind is to acquire awesome power. It is to understand that at every moment of our lives, we have the power to accomplish everything we want." ~Deepak Chopra
We are all having a grand variety of different experiences of the same One Reality. Your perception of it is what makes it "your reality", as well as "your problems-opportunities" and "perceptions". The key thing to know here is that this highly intelligent Universe knows the grand plan of things, and knows every intricate piece of the puzzle of your life. Your ego/mind has such a limited perspective, so when you demand or push the Universe to manifest something for you, you are not opening to see this bigger picture and just limiting your perspective further. When you send out a desire that is wishy-washy, un-rooted, or far-fetched, the Universe knows cannot lie to the Universe. Yet, it wants you to see that this desire has no roots in what you really want, and thus will not allow this ungrounded experience to manifest for you. It is a highly benevolent Universe we live in, and will only deliver us the experiences that MOST serve our higher souls evolution.
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." ~Benjamin Disraeli
When your mind is full of too many desires, thoughts, needs, wants, it is like the Universe can't hear what you are saying, and thus cannot support you in bringing it into reality. So take a moment right now to get VERY VERY QUIET inside....and then ask the Universe for one thing that you desire....and let it go. Think about what you truly what to manifest into your life? What does your desire look like and feel like? Imagine that the Universe is like a genie that can grant you any wish if you are specific enough in formulating your request. Go ahead and ask, and you will be amazed at the abundance and bounty you receive! Make it the MOST important thing of all. The more honest you are and the more specific your request is to the Universe, the faster and easier your desire will show up in the physical world. It's time to stop holding back, and start genuinely asking for what you want. You can manifest a miracle at anytime...just ask!
Instantly download the specific manifesting techniques, exercises and manifesting habits that will allow your desires to manifest FASTER and EASIER! We guarantee it! Download our 90 Day Manifesting Program and instantly start increasing your vibration tonight by Clicking Here Now! Global NPN !
Written by Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher
There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life. You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time. Yet, when you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master.
One of the main ingredients in conscious manifesting is how you ask for what you want. When you ask in a firm clear way for that which you desire, it's as if you are throwing a powerful magnetic boomerang into the Universe that will soon return with your desired outcome. A specific request shows that you are clear and sincere about letting go of wanting/needing your desire, and moving into the feeling of receiving your outcome in the physical world. The energy from releasing your attachment to any desire naturally starts the manifesting process. It's like the moment you actually let go of the boomerang, knowing that very soon it'll return to you with the actual manifestation! You see, the energy behind making requests (instead of wishes, hopes or demands) is much more powerful in that it requires you to be humble, realistic and grounded about who you are and what you honestly want in your life. This deeper honesty allows the Universal intelligence that surrounds and penetrates you to truly hear your request and thus assist you in manifesting it!
“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain
Using your physical voice to ask the Universe to help you manifest your desired outcome is a fantastic way to clarify your intention. When you say anything out loud, your body begins to align with the energetic vibration of whatever your statement was. For example, if you ask the Universe out loud to purchase and drive your new car down the road with one hand on the wheel and your hair blowing in the air, the feeling of that request sinks deeply into the Universal subconscious mind, as your body begins to FEEL what it is like to drive off in your new vehicle. The spoken word engages the senses, it activates the mind fully and opens all the energy centers in your body. Words are very powerful and can make the difference in manifesting what you want, or what you don't want. Each word you speak possesses its own unique vibration which is felt inside your body the instant it is said. When you state something out loud, you are in essence proclaiming who you are (or who you will become) to the entire Universe. You are no longer hiding in your own private Universe of thoughts. Verbalizing your thoughts makes you go beyond the world of separation and create a deeper commitment to yourself. This greater commitment level focuses the normally scattered energy of the mind, and actually initiates the final manifestation!
"People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you've figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence." ~ Jack Canfield
Another powerful part of manifesting what you want is through letting go of the outcome. If you ask for something and then you are attached to it manifesting, your energy will tighten and contract, which stops the flow towards you and the final manifestation from occurring. When you feel that something has to happen for you to be happy, you send out desperate and needy energy into the Universe. This panic shuts down your ability to receive. You are a vibrational field of energy, and when you are contracted you are making it very difficult to attract expanded experiences. So each time you ask for something that you desire, we suggest that you consciously let go of it occurring by saying something out loud like, "I ask that the Universe supports me in manifesting (whatever you desire), and I am perfectly OK with whatever outcome that occurs because I can choose to find happiness with no matter what!" This true energetic detachment from outcome is amazing, and a sure fire technique to engage in instant manifestation as long as you are true to your word.
"As we want it and allow is." ~Esther Hicks
Most manifestation experts will say that making a request out loud is just proclaiming that you don't have your desired outcome and are thus just manifesting more of the same lacking experience. That outcome will undoubtedly occur if you are asking from a place of being disconnected from the Universe. If you can find a quiet space inside yourself where your mind is silent you will feel highly connected to the greatest Source of energy, information and power that you can imagine. It happens without your effort, when you stop trying to connect and just relax into this divinity that is already here now. By transcending the needy grasping mind you engage the Universe to become "one" with you. From this place you can ask for anything, and know without a smidgeon of doubt that it will manifest for you. There already is such an intimate relationship established with the Universe on a sub-atomic level that once the mind is quieted, that realization of connection is instantly uncovered.
"To understand the magical nature of the mind is to acquire awesome power. It is to understand that at every moment of our lives, we have the power to accomplish everything we want." ~Deepak Chopra
We are all having a grand variety of different experiences of the same One Reality. Your perception of it is what makes it "your reality", as well as "your problems-opportunities" and "perceptions". The key thing to know here is that this highly intelligent Universe knows the grand plan of things, and knows every intricate piece of the puzzle of your life. Your ego/mind has such a limited perspective, so when you demand or push the Universe to manifest something for you, you are not opening to see this bigger picture and just limiting your perspective further. When you send out a desire that is wishy-washy, un-rooted, or far-fetched, the Universe knows cannot lie to the Universe. Yet, it wants you to see that this desire has no roots in what you really want, and thus will not allow this ungrounded experience to manifest for you. It is a highly benevolent Universe we live in, and will only deliver us the experiences that MOST serve our higher souls evolution.
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." ~Benjamin Disraeli
When your mind is full of too many desires, thoughts, needs, wants, it is like the Universe can't hear what you are saying, and thus cannot support you in bringing it into reality. So take a moment right now to get VERY VERY QUIET inside....and then ask the Universe for one thing that you desire....and let it go. Think about what you truly what to manifest into your life? What does your desire look like and feel like? Imagine that the Universe is like a genie that can grant you any wish if you are specific enough in formulating your request. Go ahead and ask, and you will be amazed at the abundance and bounty you receive! Make it the MOST important thing of all. The more honest you are and the more specific your request is to the Universe, the faster and easier your desire will show up in the physical world. It's time to stop holding back, and start genuinely asking for what you want. You can manifest a miracle at anytime...just ask!
Instantly download the specific manifesting techniques, exercises and manifesting habits that will allow your desires to manifest FASTER and EASIER! We guarantee it! Download our 90 Day Manifesting Program and instantly start increasing your vibration tonight by Clicking Here Now! Global NPN !
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Secret To Manifesting Total Financial Freedom
The Secret to Manifesting Total Financial Freedom
Written by Jafree Ozwald
Imagine you are on a sailboat on a three thousand mile journey from California to Hawaii. You can easily miss your target if your rudder and sails are not pointing exactly in the right direction. If your sailboats rudder is 1/2 of a hair width off from the very beginning, over many miles you will miss the island completely. In order to attain true financial freedom you must make one minor adjustment. Have a consistent solid positive outlook about your financial future. To manifesting financial freedom begins with shifting your perspective about who you are and what your life is really about. It's about getting in touch with a bigger mission here on Earth and applying it out in the world. This is a massive journey and will take 100% intention and commitment, yet it will become one of the greatest adventures of your life and will be more enjoyable than you think.
To naturally think positive about the future, you will need to reframe your entire emotional state so that your brain naturally initiates the positive thought process all on its own. This shift begins from within you, right here right now, with the decision to do whatever it takes to think and FEEL positive. It's all about letting go of those thoughts that do not feel good and welcoming the thoughts that truly do. The more challenging your financial situation is, the more determination, courage and will power you'll discover is hidden inside you on a deeper level which you've not discovered yet. If you are ready to start the process of becoming truly financially free, I recommend you do something very radical. This one little exercise if done daily for 45 days, will instigate a complete transformation from within.
Manifesting total financial freedom all starts with how you begin your day. You want to build the feelings and sensations of abundance inside your body within the first 15 minutes after you wake up. When you start your mornings with feeling the most positive possible outcome you can imagine, you are creating a new foundation inside your being that will roll over and create a momentum in the following morning. To do this effectively you'll need to get physically involved. The secret I've found is this...first thing in the morning actually jump up and down, into the air and actually yell (out loud or in your head) with total excitement that massive abundance is here now! Yes, fake it until you make it. Pretend you just received exactly what you want, and let your heart soak into these positive feelings for at least 5 minutes. Jump up and down as long as you can handle it. The more you get into this magical exercise the more you'll shift your financial frequency this week!
"You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't! You have wings, learn to use them and fly!" ~Rumi
Most people aren't in touch with the joy behind their souls life purpose and mission, so they don't have anything to inspire and motivate them to get excited about life in the morning. So if you want to unravel this divine mystery inside you that can start attracting abundance, you may need to first imagine that you just won the biggest powerball jackpot the world has had...last night! Yes! Jump up and down because you received more money than you can spend in this lifetime! When you get into the feeling that it just happened and it feels emotionally real for you, you will begin awakening those positive neuro-peptides in your brain which open the emotional door to feeling and becoming financially free in the real world.
The second and perhaps most important step in awakening this abundant state of being inside your body is to take massive inspired actions throughout your day, doing what really makes you feel light, free and excited about your life, and then let go of any attachment to results you think you're going to have from these actions. The more people you can help create what they want in the world, the more you'll manifest what you want. If you can be of true service to the world with your true gifts that you enjoy giving everyday, you will never have to worry about money. The Universe will reward you for your actions and work, all you have to do is to not drop back into those old poverty feelings/thoughts as they make you greed, possessive and cause you to believe you are not a magical manifesting God Being.
"Non-possessiveness is basically trust in existence. There is no need to possess, because the whole is already ours." ~Osho
Yes, you as an individual being, yet you are tapped into the power and intelligence of the entire Universe! You are waaaaay more powerful than you know. Your beliefs are what create your life. You've just been manifesting financial stuckness because you kept thinking that was what you were experiencing and thus that's what you manifested. Your thoughts always show up into your life, especially when there is deep emotion behind them. Start visualizing your life as financially abundant and in perfect harmony with the past. As you change your inner world, this energy sparks, reflects and eventually manifests into your outer world. You are interconnected to the whole in more ways than you can intellectually understand.
You may say that you don't have a choice in how you are responding to your outer financial crisis, yet in truth you do. Every moment you have the choice as to what you want to flow your energy, intention and attention towards. Buying into the panic and fear only intensify the feeling of negativity back into your system and worsen your financial frequency. According to the great law of attraction, "like attracts like". An abundant economic situation begins with the idea that it is possible and probable if you continue to focus in this positive direction. Don't make money bigger than you or your life! Money is just energy, electrons in some computer somewhere. It is in this empowering belief that says you are bigger than money that you instantly step into abundance consciousness. This alone can be the sole foundation for a constant steam of infinite wealth to flow into your future.
"You are a creator; you create with your every thought." Abraham Hicks
If you'd like support in awakening this feeling of abundance inside you, listen to my 3 Manifesting Money Meditations on MP3 Audio. They will take you on an inner journey inside to a powerful place where you can instantly step into true wealth and abundance consciousness. These highly conscious manifesting meditations will increase your financial frequency and help you become a Money Magnet!! There are also many manifesting techniques in our Super Manifesting Program that will help you attract the people and situations you desire. Just check out some of our testimonials on that page! It's time you did something different to empower yourself with the tools and knowledge you need to create a more abundant future for yourself tonight! Click Here to Learn What's Inside the 3 Manifesting Money Meditations Now! Global NPN !
Written by Jafree Ozwald
Imagine you are on a sailboat on a three thousand mile journey from California to Hawaii. You can easily miss your target if your rudder and sails are not pointing exactly in the right direction. If your sailboats rudder is 1/2 of a hair width off from the very beginning, over many miles you will miss the island completely. In order to attain true financial freedom you must make one minor adjustment. Have a consistent solid positive outlook about your financial future. To manifesting financial freedom begins with shifting your perspective about who you are and what your life is really about. It's about getting in touch with a bigger mission here on Earth and applying it out in the world. This is a massive journey and will take 100% intention and commitment, yet it will become one of the greatest adventures of your life and will be more enjoyable than you think.
To naturally think positive about the future, you will need to reframe your entire emotional state so that your brain naturally initiates the positive thought process all on its own. This shift begins from within you, right here right now, with the decision to do whatever it takes to think and FEEL positive. It's all about letting go of those thoughts that do not feel good and welcoming the thoughts that truly do. The more challenging your financial situation is, the more determination, courage and will power you'll discover is hidden inside you on a deeper level which you've not discovered yet. If you are ready to start the process of becoming truly financially free, I recommend you do something very radical. This one little exercise if done daily for 45 days, will instigate a complete transformation from within.
Manifesting total financial freedom all starts with how you begin your day. You want to build the feelings and sensations of abundance inside your body within the first 15 minutes after you wake up. When you start your mornings with feeling the most positive possible outcome you can imagine, you are creating a new foundation inside your being that will roll over and create a momentum in the following morning. To do this effectively you'll need to get physically involved. The secret I've found is this...first thing in the morning actually jump up and down, into the air and actually yell (out loud or in your head) with total excitement that massive abundance is here now! Yes, fake it until you make it. Pretend you just received exactly what you want, and let your heart soak into these positive feelings for at least 5 minutes. Jump up and down as long as you can handle it. The more you get into this magical exercise the more you'll shift your financial frequency this week!
"You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't! You have wings, learn to use them and fly!" ~Rumi
Most people aren't in touch with the joy behind their souls life purpose and mission, so they don't have anything to inspire and motivate them to get excited about life in the morning. So if you want to unravel this divine mystery inside you that can start attracting abundance, you may need to first imagine that you just won the biggest powerball jackpot the world has had...last night! Yes! Jump up and down because you received more money than you can spend in this lifetime! When you get into the feeling that it just happened and it feels emotionally real for you, you will begin awakening those positive neuro-peptides in your brain which open the emotional door to feeling and becoming financially free in the real world.
The second and perhaps most important step in awakening this abundant state of being inside your body is to take massive inspired actions throughout your day, doing what really makes you feel light, free and excited about your life, and then let go of any attachment to results you think you're going to have from these actions. The more people you can help create what they want in the world, the more you'll manifest what you want. If you can be of true service to the world with your true gifts that you enjoy giving everyday, you will never have to worry about money. The Universe will reward you for your actions and work, all you have to do is to not drop back into those old poverty feelings/thoughts as they make you greed, possessive and cause you to believe you are not a magical manifesting God Being.
"Non-possessiveness is basically trust in existence. There is no need to possess, because the whole is already ours." ~Osho
Yes, you as an individual being, yet you are tapped into the power and intelligence of the entire Universe! You are waaaaay more powerful than you know. Your beliefs are what create your life. You've just been manifesting financial stuckness because you kept thinking that was what you were experiencing and thus that's what you manifested. Your thoughts always show up into your life, especially when there is deep emotion behind them. Start visualizing your life as financially abundant and in perfect harmony with the past. As you change your inner world, this energy sparks, reflects and eventually manifests into your outer world. You are interconnected to the whole in more ways than you can intellectually understand.
You may say that you don't have a choice in how you are responding to your outer financial crisis, yet in truth you do. Every moment you have the choice as to what you want to flow your energy, intention and attention towards. Buying into the panic and fear only intensify the feeling of negativity back into your system and worsen your financial frequency. According to the great law of attraction, "like attracts like". An abundant economic situation begins with the idea that it is possible and probable if you continue to focus in this positive direction. Don't make money bigger than you or your life! Money is just energy, electrons in some computer somewhere. It is in this empowering belief that says you are bigger than money that you instantly step into abundance consciousness. This alone can be the sole foundation for a constant steam of infinite wealth to flow into your future.
"You are a creator; you create with your every thought." Abraham Hicks
If you'd like support in awakening this feeling of abundance inside you, listen to my 3 Manifesting Money Meditations on MP3 Audio. They will take you on an inner journey inside to a powerful place where you can instantly step into true wealth and abundance consciousness. These highly conscious manifesting meditations will increase your financial frequency and help you become a Money Magnet!! There are also many manifesting techniques in our Super Manifesting Program that will help you attract the people and situations you desire. Just check out some of our testimonials on that page! It's time you did something different to empower yourself with the tools and knowledge you need to create a more abundant future for yourself tonight! Click Here to Learn What's Inside the 3 Manifesting Money Meditations Now! Global NPN !
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The average household debt makes home biz opps essential
Yes, that's right. High average household debt in the U.S. & Canada makes established work from home biz opps a necessity and not an option. Just put it all together: the high unemployment/low job creation stats, high energy expense (gas), high average household debt, mortgage industry crisis, government cut back on spending to pay national debt. You don't have to be an economics major to see that established work-from-home online biz opps are now an essential necessity and no longer just an option. Global NPN has been established for 6 years online. This is longer than the vast majority of online biz opps.
Global NPN is now essential for the average family. How many part time jobs will be available in a struggling economy ? Not many offline part time jobs but the average family needs ways of bringing in extra income into the home to begin the climb out of debt and into prosperity and abundance. The way the average middle class family goes is the way the nations of the U.S.A and Canada are going to go. Two things have to be addressed on the family, then community and national level. 1/ Ways of lowering living expenses and curtailing expenditure and 2/ ways of increasing the family income. Those two things have to be addressed simultaneously and in the process we need dialogue and input from those of relevant financial and economic expertise and from the U.S. and Canadian public in general. But we know for sure that we have to live within a budget and we have to increase our income. Team $hare Global NPN.
by Bobby Butler
Global NPN is now essential for the average family. How many part time jobs will be available in a struggling economy ? Not many offline part time jobs but the average family needs ways of bringing in extra income into the home to begin the climb out of debt and into prosperity and abundance. The way the average middle class family goes is the way the nations of the U.S.A and Canada are going to go. Two things have to be addressed on the family, then community and national level. 1/ Ways of lowering living expenses and curtailing expenditure and 2/ ways of increasing the family income. Those two things have to be addressed simultaneously and in the process we need dialogue and input from those of relevant financial and economic expertise and from the U.S. and Canadian public in general. But we know for sure that we have to live within a budget and we have to increase our income. Team $hare Global NPN.
by Bobby Butler
Monday, August 1, 2011
Live The Life Of The Rich & Famous @ Discount
The premier on-line and off-line travel club. As a Hotels Etc.® member, you are invited to stay at two to five star hotels and resorts in every major city in the United States as well as cities in Canada, Mexico, Europe and the Caribbean for 50% OFF!
But our discounts do not stop there! Members have access to over 1,000,000 Travel and Entertainment discounts around the globe!
Hotels Etc. members receive 50% OFF at thousands of hotels
Hotels Etc. members receive 50% off hotels in over 1,000 cities, including select Hiltons, Holiday Inns, Sheratons, Marriott's, Best Westerns and many other great hotels.You may use y Hotels Etc. discount privileges as many times as you wish at any of the participating hotels and resorts. Your membership card is valid on weekends or holidays at 50% off the regular rates. Your Hotels Etc.® membership card is valid for 50% off your first night or your entire stay. Unlimited usage. Use over and over again for a lifetime.
Hotels Etc. members receive exclusive association discounts at over 400,000 hotels
Hotels Etc. Members receive discounts at over 400,000 Hotels across the globe. Our Exclusive Association discounts allow you to call the corporate reservation number for the top 40 br hotels and receive discounts at all their locations for life. According to the national room rates, you will get back your membership cost with just one weekend of use.
Hotels Etc. members receive car rental discounts at 31,000 locations
Hotels Etc. members receive up to 25% off car rental rates at over 31,000 car rental locations! Your Car Rental discount locations are valid in virtually every city in the United States (with a car rental location) at every major airport and in more than 141 countries.
Hotels Etc. members receive cruise discounts up to 50% on over 1,000 cruises.
Looking to have some fun in the sun for less? Book your next cruise at Hotels Etc. member rates. Hotels Etc. exlusive cruise deparment has been helping millions of members save on thousands of cruise lines for life.
But our discounts do not stop there! Members have access to over 1,000,000 Travel and Entertainment discounts around the globe!
Hotels Etc. members receive 50% OFF at thousands of hotels
Hotels Etc. members receive 50% off hotels in over 1,000 cities, including select Hiltons, Holiday Inns, Sheratons, Marriott's, Best Westerns and many other great hotels.You may use y Hotels Etc. discount privileges as many times as you wish at any of the participating hotels and resorts. Your membership card is valid on weekends or holidays at 50% off the regular rates. Your Hotels Etc.® membership card is valid for 50% off your first night or your entire stay. Unlimited usage. Use over and over again for a lifetime.
Hotels Etc. members receive exclusive association discounts at over 400,000 hotels
Hotels Etc. Members receive discounts at over 400,000 Hotels across the globe. Our Exclusive Association discounts allow you to call the corporate reservation number for the top 40 br hotels and receive discounts at all their locations for life. According to the national room rates, you will get back your membership cost with just one weekend of use.
Hotels Etc. members receive car rental discounts at 31,000 locations
Hotels Etc. members receive up to 25% off car rental rates at over 31,000 car rental locations! Your Car Rental discount locations are valid in virtually every city in the United States (with a car rental location) at every major airport and in more than 141 countries.
Hotels Etc. members receive cruise discounts up to 50% on over 1,000 cruises.
Looking to have some fun in the sun for less? Book your next cruise at Hotels Etc. member rates. Hotels Etc. exlusive cruise deparment has been helping millions of members save on thousands of cruise lines for life.
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