Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Focus On Money, Focus On Feeling Good !

Yes, for real. It doesn't seem to make logical sense that "feel good" subliminal messages produce more results than "financial success" messages. But I've found from experience that this is the case. You should feel really relaxed and "good" physically, your health could even improve because stress is the "criminal" for most people. Yes, stress "robs" us of magnetism, health and "wealth". The more "relaxed", detached and "feeling good" that you are, the more you increase your "luck" potential because everything is vibration. Vibrations attract like vibrations. So if you're feeling stressed, worried, anxious, you're likely to have more health issues and more financial issues. It's not that once you get "paper", everything will be alright. It's that when everything within you is feeling good and you're centered and relaxed, the outer results fall into the "right" place. Try it for yourself and see if it works.

Focus on feeling good for a week and note the outer results in your experience. Compare this with all the times you feel worried, anxious, tense, fearful, stressed, depressed, angry and see if the results you get when feeling good are much better than the material/financial/relationship results you get when feeling bad. This "feeling good" can't be superficial but deeper below the surface on a subconscious level. Test it and prove it. See if the Universe doesn't pour into your store house more than you can hold or contain. You'll see faster and more profound change in circumstances this way. Mind Tech

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