Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How To Become A Manifesting Meditation Master

How to Become a Manifesting Meditation Master
Written by Jafree Ozwald
Enlightenment !

Manifesting an amazing life that is rich with loving abundant experiences comes only through being connected to the God Source. When you are relaxed, centered in your bodymind and detached from having to manifest your desires so that you can become momentarily "happy", you can easily connect to this infinite loving power within. Being connected to the God Source is what allows everyone to know they are on the right path, and desires can manifest or not, and they are still happy. Whenever you are attached to a certain outcome to "bring you happiness" you are coming from a fearful needy place and ultimately feeling disconnected to the God Source. When you are coming from the God Source, you are feeling at peace, empowered and grateful for life just as it is, and the Universe simply tends to hand over every need and desire to you.

"In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up your intention to create your desire...and you don't give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result." ~Deepak Chopra

Attachment is the number one cause of suffering in the world. Whenever you are attached to a thought, a person, an outcome (or anything for that matter) suffering will soon follow. Just watch your body and what happens to it when you get attached to something. Anytime you are attached to something, you get tense and contracted inside. This is called expectation mode. Your whole body becomes stressed out because it starts to fear that things won't work out the way you want them to work out, so that you can be happy! Happiness does not depend on the outer world, its an inner state of being connected to our God Source.

"Attachment leads to suffering." ~Buddha

Attachment always hinders your ability to manifest. You become so contracted that you lower your vibration. When you are vibrating at a lower level where you feel pain, you tend to attract more painful circumstances. To transcend any pain and attachment, simply look inside at what part of "me" is attached. Ask yourself, "Who is attached?" What part of "me" is attached to having XYZ happen in order for me to be happy? It is your mind that is attached, not you. Attachment is a form of poverty consciousness which stems from a deeper disconnection to the God Source. It's the ego's way of trying to make you feel secure if the God Source is not here. The joke is that the God Source is always right here, right now, and when you become free from attachment, there is freedom to manifest the life you desire.

"By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life." ~ Gary Zukav

Manifesting your desired outcomes (money, car, house, great relationship, fit body etc) occurs effortlessly when we are feeling this connection to the God Source and have let go of limiting feelings and beliefs that arise. These limiting thoughts and feelings are called "attachments", and being over attached to them will cause major suffering. Once you truly detached from all future outcomes, you will never become upset, irritable, and unhappy with the world. Now its very important to remember that being detached does not mean being disconnected or not caring about your future. This is a very fine thin line to walk, and learning to dance along it makes you a manifesting master! It's all about FEELING connected to the Infinite Source (who you truly are) and from that loving place you don't need to be attached to any outcome to be happy. Everything manifests effortlessly from this place.

"Healing is awakening to the perfection that already is ours." ~Baird T. Spalding

The invitation here is for you to recognize your attachments throughout your day and let them go. How do you recognize them? Attachment is present every time your body feels tense, stressed, out of sorts, and grumpy. Every time you feel like you are swimming against the current or trying to force something to happen, you are caught up in an attachment. Whenever you can feel these low vibrational feelings, just ask yourself this question, "What outcome am I attached to?" It's as simple as that! If you don't know, look at what is causing you the most pain in your life? Behind every pain, an attachment is lurking. Beware of attachments, yet more importantly be aware of them! You may find there are MANY attachments running your entire life. The good news is that the more you are aware of these attachments, the easier it is to step back from them and not buy into their story. Freedom from attachments means you'll have TONS of extra energy and focus to consciously manifest your desires.

"You are given the gifts of the gods, you create your reality according to you beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in." ~ Seth

Get ready to say good-bye to those limiting beliefs and heavy feelings stopping you from being happy, alive and free! The Guided Meditation to Experiencing Samadhi is a super powerful and highly effective way to enhance your ability to manifest an abundance of wealth, health, joy and freedom in your life! At the core of your being you're connected to infinite presence, that is free from all attachments. Enlighten your Consciousness to the next level with this powerful mind expanding experience. Enjoy!
Enlightenment ! Also visit NPN !

The Five Steps To Manifesting Financial Abundance !

by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher
Enlightenment !

The Universe wants you to be financially abundant and is always supporting you in making this a reality. So it really doesn't matter what the economy is doing, or how long you've been struggling financially, it's more about the vibration you're sending out into the world today! Financial abundance is your birthright! It's time for you to claim your abundant nature and start manifesting the financial abundance you truly deserve. Here are 5 easy steps that will support you in manifesting much abundance into your life:

1. Fully Acknowledge, Accept, and Embrace Your Abundant Nature.
The secret to feeling your abundant nature is to open your heart, and fully embrace the abundance that has already blessed your life. Let your armor melt away. Remove any shielding around your heart and imagine throwing it into a big fire. Breathe deeply and physically open your arms wide, inviting this abundant Universe into your heart. With each in-breath, imagine that EVERYTHING in the entire Universe is pouring into your heart; all the stars, planets, Earth, and all its people. Feel how truly abundant life already is. Let your heart welcome it all!

"It is not only my right and my privilege to walk in the abundance God has for me, it is my responsibility...just as it is my responsibility to live the rest of my truth." ~ Jan Denise

2. Welcome with Gratitude the Abundance that is all Around You.
There is an abundance of people on the planet to create things for you, grow food for you, and supply water to drink. Let in the abundance of joy, pleasure, opportunities, and laughter into your heart. Feel this abundance of support at your very core. You have already been and will always be blessed by the abundance of the Universe. You may have partially closed the door to feeling this abundance due to past conditioning or scarcity thinking. Consciously open the door now, and proclaim the truth to the Universe by stating, "I am a truly abundant being!" Say this message over and over until you feel that it has penetrated deeply into your soul.

"When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears." ~Anthony Robbins

3. Reprogram your Body-mind for Financial Success
The words you say to yourself are the most powerful manifesting vehicles. Each message that you think internally and say externally carries a certain vibrational energy that programs the cells in your body. The words you use actually create chemicals in your brain that bring you experiences of inner peace, love, abundance, or struggle. If you are struggling in your life and you'd like to program your body-mind for financial success, start by using affirmations daily. State what you want as if it's already here now. Say to yourself "I easily attract all the abundance, love and joy that I need. I am a powerful being who manifests any amount of money I desire." Notice how you feel inside just thinking these thoughts. You can use our guided Money Mantra Meditation to lead you through a powerful set of 38 money mantras that are proven to dramatically boost your ability to attract abundance to you. You can check it out at the link at the bottom of this e-mail.

"Start believing in yourself and the world will start believing in you." ~Vijay Thadani

4. Take Massive Inspired Action
The Law of Attraction applies to your physical actions as well as to your emotional and mental state of being. Every action you take sends out an energetic frequency into the world. The movement of your body shifts the molecules inside you and around you on a physical level. This energetic movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or don't manifest into your life. When you take actions from an inspired expanded heart, you send out positive expansive energy which magnetizes even more of what you desire. Engaging in consistent inspired actions throughout your day will create a momentum of powerful manifesting energy, which will quickly materialize into the financial abundance you desire. So today, take a moment to tune into your heart and find out what it is really excited and inspired to do! Start with that first action step that truly inspire s you (it may be small), and then add on another one. You will soon see an inspired momentum of energy take over you which will catapult you forwarded into the financial abundance you are seeking.

"Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live." ~ Nicolas de Chamfort

5. Let go of Attachment to the Outcome of your Actions
The golden secret to manifesting financial success is gently holding your attention on the FEELING of receiving financial abundance while at the same time not demanding it shows up. You can do this only when you can find inner peace with where you're at and what you've got. The idea of needing financial abundance means that it's not available here now and implies a big disconnection with this all pervasive Universe. When you take actions from an inspired place AND are detached from any outcome, you allow the Universe to completely and utterly support your manifestation. You stop hoping that your inspired actions create future outcomes and are truly ENJOY your life here now. This makes you into a Manifesting Magnet! Detachment enables you to be fully open and receptive, which in turn attracts new opportunities and people to you. So just have fun taking inspired actions, and see what amazing surprises the Universe will send your way!

You can manifest total financial freedom in your life! Learn how to attract your greatest possible income faster and easier by reprogramming your mind for success. With our manifesting technology everything will shift for you! Just by listening to the Guided Manifesting Money Meditations will instantly help you start attracting the financial abundance that you deserve!
Enlightenment ! Also visit NPN !

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How Relaxation Creates Financial Abundance

How Relaxation Creates Financial Abundance
Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher
Enlightenment !

Would you like to receive more financial abundance from the Universe? Would you like to be free from stressful financial issues forever? The secret to becoming Financially Receptive is to embrace a state of relaxation instead of stress about your current financial state. That's right! The more you relax into and surrender through your current stressful relationship with money, the more your energy field expands and opens, naturally attracting more prosperity into your life.

"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." ~ Anthony Robbins

The energy of relaxation carries a high vibration that instantly shifts you into a receptive state and consequently allows the Universe to fill your request for abundance. On the other hand, when you are stressed, you automatically shut down your manifesting channels, repelling that which you want to manifest. Vibrationally speaking, what you want to attract literally cannot get into your field because the energy of stress blocks it. So relax...really relax.... going infinitely deeper and deeper into it. Allow the feeling of any financial burden to be lifted from your life forever.

"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~William James

The good news is that it is easy to relax and it feels soooo good to do so! Relaxation is your natural state, and therefore you can effortlessly tap into the part of you that is always relaxed and knows that you are divinely supported. Deep relaxation is something we ALL look forward to, yet how frequently do you give this gift to yourself? Can you simply decide to let yourself relax more than you ever have before this month? When you MAKE TIME to relax, you open up your field to receiving more abundance from the Universe.

"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Simply let yourself decide when you are going to relax this week. Claim your space! Before you relax it's always good to recite this all-powerful financial affirmation, "The more naps I take, the more money I make!" Here are three techniques to relax about your current finances, and thus receive more abundance from the Universe:

1. Relax your Body and Mind through Conscious Breathing
Whenever you notice you are worrying about money, stop what you are doing and begin to do deep breathing. The very act of breathing takes you deeper into your body. Breathing anchors you into your physical form, which is abiding in the God-Source that is always here now. This Source is the most loving, abundant state you'll ever find. So take a moment right now and take 3 deep breaths. With each breath, breathe in relaxation, and with each out-breath, release any stress or tension you have. Do you notice a feeling of deeper peace in your body yet? Breathe deeper and include all of the thoughts and emotions that you're stressed about. Breathe until you can feel the peace. Then, let in this glorious peace because you deserve it!! This will center you, and automatically re-open your energy field to receive the abundance that is wanting you.

2. Experience Gratitude for the Abundance You Do Have
One of the most powerful ways to open up your ability to receive more abundance is to relax into the energy of gratitude. The act of feeling grateful for the money that you DO have instantly shifts the energy in every cell of your body, as well as those electrons in your bank account! As you flood your body-mind with gratitude, you start to feel complete and whole on the deepest levels. When you are thankful, you know that your "cup runneth over", and are no longer in the habit of desperately searching for ways to fill it up. The old world unconscious search for something to fill you up is what creates the lack in your bank account. This yearning, needing, and searching feeling creates stress in your body which blocks the abundance you are here to receive. Connecting with deep feelings of gratitude means everything is already perfect exactly as it is, and that manifesting more money is not the most important thing in life. This concept frees you from money, and on one level instantly makes you financially free! So every time you start to strive for more abundance in your life, stop... and be grateful for what you already have. You'll see how effortless it is to receiving more financial prosperity down the road.

3. Daily Visualize Receiving The Prosperity You Desire
Visualization supports your entire mind-body in relaxing, and thus receiving more abundance because it creates a blue-print for success in your subconscious mind. When you create a mental movie of what the abundance you want looks and feels like, your subconscious believes that this mental movie is your current reality. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination. When you imagine biting into a spicy taco, you start to salivate right? Your mind believes and knows that you are ALREADY abundant right now, your whole body goes "Ahhhhhhhh" and simultaneously starts magnetizing what you want in your life. The key to a highly effective visualization is to connect strong feeling states to the pictures that you create in your mind. So take a moment right now and see yourself manifesting what you do desire. Feel it in your body and keep turning up the volume on the strong abundant and positive feelings this imagery creates.

"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." ~ Wayne Dyer

Instantly create a prosperous abundant state of mind EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY with our Million Dollar Manifesting Meditation! You'll experience a super powerful visualization with mind altering affirmations that will shape-shift your reality in less than 30 minutes! This life changing experience will allow you to feel, know and attract an abundant income into your life . You will soon feel what it is like to have zillions in the bank by simply listening to this meditation one time...enjoy!
Enlightenment ! Also visit NPN !