Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The True Paradigm Shift

If you talk about the true paradigm shift, you're talking about a bonafide process of self transformation incorporating 1/ beingness, 2/ doingness, and 3/ havingness. But it all starts with beingness: mindset, emotions, and physical health/well being then naturally flows to vocation (doingness) and material results (income). Become a better you, become more so you can earn more, become someone you've never been so you can do the things you've never done. Click !  How can this be ? Because you bring yourself (beingness) into everything that you do.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's not just about money but the currency of change

The journey of achieving our most precious goals isn't just about getting the money and income to enable us to afford positive change and improvement in our outward circumstances but a spiritual transformation of vibration enabling us to realize our "God" potential. It's not just about a change in higher currency denominations but an all encompassing raising of awareness that incorporates positive, dynamic and uplifting vibrations like joy and gratitude for a change in attitude and altitude. It's a change enabling you to enjoy your top ten hits while focusing in on your #1 mindset audio. It's about gaining knowledge for self transformation as knowledge (the truth) will set you free. Club 2 Freedom.