Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bob Marley Wrote "No chains around my feet but I'm not free....." we manifest feelings first.

Yes, it sounds bizarre but you have to feel it before you can be it, whatever "it" is. For most people, it includes freedom,empowerment and prosperity. But we have to feel it before we can be it. You can't be what you don't feel. Feel it before you can be it. Earn on the journey to freedom and empowerment Quanta personal development opportunity ! Once we can feel what we desire, our deeper mind works like gangbusters to make it happen. But we must feel it before we can be it and it starts in the mind, transforms the emotions, feeds action and brings results from the actions. Feel it before you can be it ! Earn on the journey to freedom and empowerment ! Quanta personal development opportunity !

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How to Master Your Financial Destiny By Jafree Ozwald http://bit.ly/pRAMcc

"Life in itself is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory." ~Osho

I remember many times in my life I believed I was not "destined" for great things. My mind was trained to entertain ideas like, "Making money was for fools, and that money was the root of all evil." Sure enough, I manifested some pretty frustrating financial situations from these negative beliefs. At one point I felt so financially stuck that it felt like I was constantly drowning from the inside. Every morning it seemed I was swimming in some frantic financial "doggie-paddle" just to stay afloat and pay the bills to get by.

Then it happened one day in mid-paddle... I surrendered to my drowning experience and realized something deeply profound. I was creating everything. I understood that I was the one choosing how I related with my financial situation. I saw that had a choice in how I approached my feelings about money. I realized that I could simply invent a NEW relationship with it, one that was based on freedom, abundance and self-worth. I could decide to stop letting myself feel this feeling of struggling to survive.

I knew that I manifesting the same financial challenges every year, not because of my lack of effort, yet simply because I was wasn't willing to explore and shift my personal relationship with money. The moment I looked inside and saw my thinking habits for what they were, I changed the way I related to money. I created a relationship that was empowering and felt good! I knew that those electrons in the bank account didn't actually give me real power, purpose or fulfillment. I was responsible for giving myself those experiences. I knew that nothing real came from the outer world. It was from this understanding that I became financially free and realized I was the master of my financial destiny.

"Find God. This is your mission. You are the center of the Universe. Your center is God, Consciousness, Absolute Reality, Perfection, Brahman. This is the only piece that exists. You have absolutely nothing to give up, nothing to surrender, nothing to let go of. You are already liberated." ~Robert Adams

People always ask me what my definition of financial freedom is. Usually I respond with, "The one who spends the least amount of time thinking about money is the most financially free." If you have tons of money and yet are always thinking about it, worried it may disappear one day, how financially free are you really? If you feel like you never have enough money and you're always thinking, hoping and wishing you had more, you're living in a prison as well. The secret to creating a highly empowered relationship with money starts with letting go of your attachment to it. Find something that is always going to be bigger than money or power to devote your life to. People who chase after money are living from ego, craving status or power. It is a big trap and void of any spiritual reward. The only way you can be free from the money trap is to relate to it from a place of joy and effortless ease. It's actually quite easy to shift your financial frequency when you get clear about your priorities in life. Below is a short financial blessing I wrote for you to read to yourself every morning. Notice what happens to your body when you breeze through it one time.

I now let go of any limiting beliefs stopping me from accepting the feeling of financial freedom. My word represents my power and when I am 100% true to my word and walk my talk today, I can expect my every word to manifest into physical form. I am truly blessed and grateful for all that I have received and for the great abundance that is still to come. There are many seeds planted inside me that are growing and pouring endless financial prosperity onto my life. I always have enough money. I am thankful for all that has been given to me and all that is constantly flowing to me. I am blessed with this life and able to receive all the wealth I want and need now. I trust there is a divine creative genius inside me who is manifesting all the abundance I need. I know that I am deeply loved.

The reality is that money is just energy and that there is an infinite supply of it. The world will always be creating more money everyday. If you think there's not enough of it, or that you're taking more than "your share" of money, you're simply living in the illusion of poverty consciousness. Sure money doesn't grow on trees, yet neither does milk. You have to get out of bed and go outside and milk that cow if you want to drink it. The money that you physically receive will grow the more frequently you take action on inspiration. The most inspired creative ideas you have about contributing to the whole of humanity yield the highest monetary benefit. If you can make a million people happy you will be rewarded greatly for that. You must however be open to receiving your gift in the form of a financial blessing. This is where many people get stuck as they've spent so much emphasis on not ever having enough money that when it actually comes, they don't feel worthy enough to receive it physically.

"No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen." ~Epictetus

The secret to letting a massive flow (or trickle) of abundance pour through your life starts with letting go of fear. If you're reacting to life in any form of fear, you are blocking the flow of currency. How you relate with people in life deeply impacts your relationship with money. If you only choose to feel gratitude for your life, it will be easy for you to feel financially free, rich and alive! Start noticing the small things that you have going for you. These are your "riches", which are providing your base for feeling abundant right now. There are millions of people on this planet who have far far less than you. You are extraordinarily rich in their eyes. You are already living like a God or Goddess compared to them. This abundance that you have is real, and when you can see how much luxury you actually have, you will start shifting your understanding to one of constant gratitude instead of a perpetual complaint. As your relationship with money moves into a cycle of increasing gratitude, you'll start manifesting abundance from every corner and avenue in your outer world.

If you really want to, you will become the financial master of your destiny one day. When you master your inner world, you will master your outer world and truly transform your financial destiny. You may have to stretch your imagination to connect with this intention the first time, yet its worth taking time to do it. The more you can meditate, bring the mind to absolute stillness, then and only then do you have any mastery over it. Then you are conscious enough to choose to entertain expansive joyful sensations about money. When you are sooooo super conscious of the thoughts that enter your brain all day long, you can ignore the ones that make you feel financially stuck or unworthy. This acute awareness is the first essential key to mastering your financial destiny and discovering a more enlightened state of being.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Can Your Buy Loyalty ? The downside of Discounts

Can You Buy Loyalty? The Downside of Discounts 1964 might seem like ancient history by now, but The Beatles were bang on the money when they sang ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’. Okay, so it might be a bit of a tall order to make people actually fall in love with your products and services (nowthat’s what I call marketing!) but what about buying their loyalty? What does loyalty really mean? Customer loyalty is a valuable commodity and a loyal customer can pay dividends in more ways than one. But what does loyalty really mean? Loyal clients and customers are the most valuable assets of a business, and should be treated as such. They stick with a brand even though they have other options because they believe they are being given a better experience, better value and benefits than they would get from other brands. Customers like that are worth their weight in gold, and can usually only be created if they are made to feel they are a business’ number one priority. Here are the top reasons why you should treat them like royalty: Marketing, advertising and incentivizing is an expensive business, and it costs a business about 5-10 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain and sell to an existing one – so catering to your current clients will save you money unless you are using certain programs. They love to do the hard work for you. When a client or customer truly loves what you do, they want to tell people about their positive experiences. These are the consumers who use in-person and online conversations to regularly share and endorse your products and services. In short – these brand advocates are the crucial difference between having average audience interaction and genuine influence. This small yet extremely valuable group of advocates should be highly prized because their support, endorsement and recommendations can not only increase awareness, but they can provide social proof to considerably boost your Google rankings. They engender trust and reinforce your business amongst consumers who are unfamiliar with and new to your brand to drive them to ACTION. Up and cross-sell strategies are more effective with loyal fans. They trust you, so they are more inclined to be adventurous with their choice of products and services, and they tend to buy for longer, too Loyal customers spend on average 67% MORE than new ones with repeat purchases – making them high ROI prospects. Research shows that return and repeat purchasers have higher average order values and conversion rates than shoppers with no previous purchase history They can improve other aspects of your business. Loyal customers are more inclined to freely give genuine, quality feedback that is invaluable for knowing what you’re doing well and what areas need improvement. They can also give insight and ideas for product and service development too – they could be your next big money-spinning inspiration! Loyalty gives your business the power to endure through a tough economy. When the competition is hotting up and everyone around you is cutting prices, you will stay afloat and keep trading. Why? Because your loyal customers aren’t interested in getting the cheapest price for what they want – they want real value, and that comes with the experience you offer them and the benefits they perceive your products give them, aside from price. When you have to raise your game, loyal customers will play along. Everyone has to raise prices, whether to combat inflation or just because you deserve a better profit margin. Fortunately as with the previous point, your faithful client base is dependable. Because they perceive that you offer a greater value they will be willing to pay more for a quality product or service Many businesses offer monetary incentives in exchange for people’s loyalty, but maybe they should have indulged their beatnik tendencies, because those Beatles were right – money can’t buy love, and it can’t buy loyalty either. Discounts = Desperation No matter how much you dress it up – and even if you pretend to be okay with it – cutting prices hurts. You’ve worked hard on your business, and it’s a real come-down to have to get a whole lot less that you deserve in return. Providing services at a lower cost can be the start of an ugly cycle – to cover the cash shortfall other quick hits are needed, which is the start of a dark, downward spiral that forces you to keep prices low and before you know it you’re in a hole too deep to get out of. So is there anything else you can do to redress the balance? You guessed it – you have to take something away from your product, and that can be a real blow to quality and integrity. You might have to reduce the efficiency of your delivery service, or cut down on client aftercare, or strip valuable features away from your carefully crafted offerings, leaving them mutilated and limping. This in itself is bad enough, but consider the consequences… What will your clients think of all this corner cutting? Well, in short – not a lot. These days people are swift to condemn sub-standard products and services, and thanks to the boom in social media they like to do so publicly (it does have its flip sides). Be prepared for a serious dent in your reputation as well as your wallet. Here are some more powerful reasons NOT to discount: Prioritizing growth over profit means your business runs a significant risk of never reaching profitability. You will need a substantial cash buffer to stay afloat if you’re going to vastly discount your products – and that can be difficult to come by for most small businesses. If you offer lower prices you have to make up for the shortfall by working harder than your competitors to make the same amount of money. This is bad news as there are only so many hours in a day, so you may not be able to make up your profits without exhausting yourself – if at all. This means your competitors can be more relaxed, and they’ll have bigger financial resources at their disposal for marketing and advertising too, making them more powerful adversaries. A basic understanding of the psychology of consumers is essential when running a business. The majority of people have a ‘You get what you pay for’ psychology, so if they see a cheap offer, they immediately perceive it as lower quality. This can significantly devalue your services. This is bad for your reputation as it positions your business as ‘cheap’ rather than representing quality – and the negative impact on your business will be long term and difficult to repair. If what you put out is low grade, what you get back will be low grade too. If your products are seen as cheap they will attract the wrong kind of client – bargain hunters. These are the bottom dwellers of the consumer pool. They are demanding, have a skewed perspective, zero loyalty and they’re not afraid to shoot their mouths off. They are also often indecisive and bad payers, and they can suck up the resources of your company and spread negative energy like a disease. A low or discounted price implies you have a lack of faith in your own product or service – particularly if it is ‘high-end’ – and if you don’t believe in your product, why should anyone else? Setting a low standard makes it much harder to raise your prices as your business grows. Even if you make it clear that the lower price is “introductory” only, this is almost always ‘forgotten’, and getting people to pay higher prices once you go back to normal will be really tough, let alone when you inevitably raise your prices. What happens if you are discounting products or services your existing customers have already paid full whack for? I can tell you one thing for sure – when they find out they are not going to be happy bunnies. The likelihood is you’ll have to either give them a partial discount or risk losing them forever. And they’re quite likely to spread the word about their shoddy treatment too… How to win the hearts of your customers Ok, so if you can’t discount and you don’t want to compromise quality – you may well be wondering if there is anything you can do. In fact there are a ton of fantastic options for you to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd to increase awareness, keep your existing customers satisfied AND win new clients. What you must do is add value in some other way that will truly benefit them to create a far deeper and long lasting loyalty. Here are some proven major strategies that work across any industry – apply as many as you can and you’ll soon begin to develop a much richer relationship with your clients and customers. 1. Provide an ‘experience’ We live in a virtual age where reality is subjective, and the more things get digitized, the more people instinctively feel the need for something genuine. The new breed of consumer differentiates between product and service choices on a whole new set of criteria to the ones marketing types are used to. What they are searching for is an authentic experience rather than just gimmicks or features from self-serving companies – something that enriches either their lives or has a positive impact for the greater good. Businesses with a strong focus on charity or community offer a compelling reason to commit and stay loyal. Attentiveness, recognition and personalization are also key players, with the latter being particularly powerful. Amazon is one of the great artists of personalization techniques like personal recommendations based on previous purchases and browsing history. Think what you could do to ensure your customers know that you not only pay attention to their preferences, but remember them and cater to them for each and every transaction. …And don’t forget to show your clientele the appreciation they deserve, they will love you for it. Reward them spontaneously with free and valuable insights, articles, games, competitions and other treats. Be there in the right place at the right time to give them the experience they crave. EXAMPLE: SPECIAL K special k advertisement Special K paid close attention to the feedback from their customers and devised a comprehensive weight management system. As well as giving women a selection of diet plans that can be tailored to the individual and the support they need with articles written by experts and forums cleverly divided into larger topics like ‘others like you’ and ‘nutrition’ as well as about the diet plans, Special K offer a set of valuable tools like a BMI calculator and eating out guide and a food diary to keep track of everything. The crowning glory of the Special K diet plan experience however, is a neat little iPhone app that enables dieters to plan meals (with recipes provided) according to their chosen plan. These plans then automatically generate a shopping list made up of all the ingredients in every meal. From there it’s a simple step to add these ingredients to a shopping basket on the Tesco website (a major supermarket chain in the UK) and have everything delivered to their door. And best of all? Everything is FREE. special k tesco 2. Mitigate ‘pain’ points Every customer has concerns – it’s only natural – but worries and fears are barriers to commitment and loyalty, so you must do everything you can to assuage them. If you know your target audience well enough and listen to them often enough, you will have a fair idea of what makes them tick and what reservations they have. Offering excellent customer service, fast results or delivery, and exceptional guarantees is a good place to start, but tailor what you do to deal with the problems that affect your clientele specifically. Show your personality to reassure people you are a flesh and blood being with feelings, dreams and aspirations – and problems – just like them. Be empathic and encourage emotional bonds to develop. Make them feel comfortable and secure and they will most likely happily return to you time and time again. EXAMPLE: APPLE apple-store-career They are renowned for their excellent customer service and over 60% of Apple employees are actually out there in stores, which demonstrates the importance that the company places on going that extra mile to keep clients happy. Apple employees are trained to understand the needs of customers and solve their problems rather than to ‘sell’, and their employees have no set sales targets or commissions. Even the Apple name has been used to create a customer service-centric acronym: Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs Present a solution for the customer to take home today Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return With customers being supported by friendly, helpful (and fair) advice throughout the buying process and afterwards, it’s no surprise that customer feedback is excellent. Phrases like ‘I felt appreciated’ and ‘I feel completely secure with my purchase’ are commonplace from Apple’s many advocates. 3. Show them what you’re made of Prove your worth by demonstrating the truly unique attributes that set you apart from the rest – they don’t have to be conventional, in fact it is better if they’re not. With a unique selling point you effectively remove yourself from the competition and create a comfortable niche for yourself that creates demand and inspires loyalty. Think creatively to determine the unique traits of your products, services, mission or image that make you special. Position yourself as knowledgeable and an authority to be respected by demonstrating your unique expertise and experience through useful and informative articles, contributions to forums, webinars and other social interactions. Not only is this good for your image, it also develops your image by giving something back to those that follow you. Build on this reputation and show that you follow through on your promises. Be proud and showcase excellent referrals, reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers and clients – and the beauty is that the more loyalty you gain, the more willing people will be to freely give you glowing feedback. EXAMPLE: JACK DANIELS jack daniels Jack Daniels’ unique value stems from their unique heritage – it’s an iconic brand with a personality that’s genuine, authentic and unpretentious. With a bottle of Jack comes a snifter of traditional America. The JD website places heavy emphasis on this with a timeline entitled “Our Story of Independence” which reads “This isn’t a history lesson. This is a story about independence and craftsmanship” and thatis what appeals to millions around the world – they want to be part of the bona fide American story and feel they have that true, independent spirit. This is reinforced very effectively with videos about the craftsmanship involved in production, associations with rock stars and music, Jack Daniels culture and the people who’ve made a difference to the Jack Daniels story. Emphasize the virtues of your product or service, and not the price. First you must step back to see the bigger picture, then you must hone in on the all-important details – because when you put enough of them together it is thosedetails that will keep customers returning to you over and over, not dropping your prices and making compromises. Demonstrate enough true value and not only will you turn your clients and customers into loyal advocates who do your marketing for you, you will also place yourself in a powerful position that will over time will enrich your business and your level of achievement and satisfaction, make you stand head and shoulders above the rest, and allow you to commanding the big bucks – even when those around you are floundering. To learn more about loyalty and how to increase your customer base check out some of these amazing loyalty programs and membership clubs About James T Noble: James makes small businesses bigger. He’s worked with some of the world’s largest brands and companies to market their products and services online – including Disney, Microsoft, 20th Century Fox, Virgin, Coca Cola, MTV and many others. Find out more and read business growth tips athttp://www.JamesTNoble.com 910 Athens Hwy, Suite K-214, Loganville, GA 30052, USA Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options Click here to Reply or Forward 2% full Using 0.2 GB of your 10.1 GB ©2013 Google - Terms & Privacy Last account activity: 18 minutes ago Details Electronic Incentives Show details

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

12 Ways To Promote Your Business Opportunity

by Posted on April 24th, 2013

If you've ever looked around an wondered how other people manage to successfully promote their business or opportunity—always having leads and a consistent stream of income…
…here are 12 tips that will help you promote your own business online, and get closer to reaching your financial goals.
Tip #1 – Know Who You're Talking To
1. Go to Google and find the top 5 sites related to the opportunity you're promoting.
2. Head over to Alexa and/or QuantCast and check each of those sites, one at a time.
3. Some sites won't display any data, but for those that do…look at the average age, gender, income, education, and other demographics to see who your target audience consists of.
4. Write down this info or save it in a text document.
5. To be really thorough, also write down the biggest problems, interests, desires, objections, and goals you market has…that relate to what you're promoting.
Tip #2 – Build Your Personal Brand
1. Get a domain name (I recommend NameCheap)
2. Get a hosting account (I recommend HostGator)
3. Install WordPress or find someone at sites like FreeLancer.com to do it for you.
5. Find a theme you like. You can find plenty of free ones by searching, or look at sites like WooThemes to find premium themes.
6. Install Google Analytics or other tracking software to know where your traffic is coming from, how long they are staying, etc.
7. Find an autoresponder platform like Aweber, MailChimp, or GetResponse and add an opt-in form to your site, in order to start building your list.
8. Consistently follow up with your list.
9. Blog consistently to deliver valuable content and attract more traffic.
Tip #3 – Get Social
1. Create a profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
2. Use a real name and not a product name, so you're a bit more credible.
3. Make sure to include links to the site you should now have.
4. On Facebook, look for groups related to your market's interests and start interacting.
5. Consider building your OWN Facebook group. You can create an on-going community, or create a group specifically for an upcoming launch of a new opportunity.
6. If you have photos, picture quotes, inspirational images, infographics, product shots, or any other visuals to share…trying adding Pinterest to your marketing mix.
Tip #4 – Attend Events
1. Think of keywords related to your niche, and do a Google search for that keywords with words like "event", "networking", "trade show", "seminar", "convention", etc. For example: online marketing seminars 2013 will give you many different resources to check out and find upcoming events.
2. Get business cards created at sites like ClubFlyers.com
3. Come up with a plan. Write down the top 3-5 things you want to get out of going to the event.
4. Work on describing what you do/offer and try to wrap it into a 30-60 second "elevator speech".
5. Network with as many people possible at the event. If you are at a seminar and the presentations will be recorded, consider spending your time networking and going through the content later.
Tip #5 – Advertising
1. Set aside a budget for advertising your business.
2. With the demographic info you should have by now, check out sites like Rent-A-List.com and AdlickMedia.com for different services you can use to promote your offers.
3. If you're just getting started, you can also use free classifieds and other free resources like 1StopClassifieds.com and BusinessWorldList.com
4. Remember to track your advertising to discover which ads are working the best.
5. Test different approaches to see if you can improve your conversions.
6. Remember that advertising (like many other things) requires CONSISTENCY.
Tip #6 – Webinars/Interviews
1. For interviews, ask the product creator to do a short interview.
2. Use that content as a way to rank for the product name.
3. If you have a list and can get the product creator to agree, offer to connect them with your audience in exchange for a commission on whatever is sold at the end of the webinar.
Tip #7 – Ask For Product Samples To Hand Out
1. Pretty straightforward: depending on the product, see if you can get any samples or trials you can give out.
Tip #8 – Look For Partnerships
1. Find list owners with a similar audience but different products, and ask for (or buy) a solo mailing to their subscribers. You can also use e-mail PPC to reach targeted subscribers.
2. If you also have a list, offer to do a solo mailing in exchange for the same to their list.
Tip #9 – Offer Consulting
For those who purchase a product or service through you, offer to help them get started.
Tip #10 – Offer Bonuses
Create a bonus that compliments what you're promoting and offer it for free when others buy through you.
Tip #11 – Create Review Videos
1. Purchase Camtasia (Mac/PC), Screenflow (Mac), or download a tool like Jing for free.
2. Do a walkthrough of the site, review the member's area (if allowed), demonstrate the product, or simply get in front of the camera and do a review about what you're promoting.
3. Upload to YouTube and/or other video sharing sites.
4. Make sure to include keywords (like the product name) in the title, description, and even the file name of the video you're uploading.
Tip #12 – Write Reviews Or Articles On Topics Related To What You Want To Promote
1. Write the content.
2. Be sure to include keywords in the Title, first sentence, at least two other times in the content, and in the last sentence (if you can manage all of this while keeping the article interesting)
3. Submit the content to sites like HubPages and eZineArticles

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why Is Certificate Incentives The Obvious Way To Go ?

One of the biggest questions that companies ask themselves every day is how to increase sales affordably, meaning, without an accompanying spike in expenses. Traditional advertising in newspapers, phone books, via direct mail, radio and television are no longer effective at turning prospects into buyers and small businesses into big successes.
If you can't increase sales with traditional advertising, then, what options do you have? The answer may surprise you because; quite frankly, it's so basic, so logical, and so obvious that you'll wonder why you didn't make it the centerpiece of your business marketing plan in the first place.
Here we go; the best way to increase sales is a simple tactic that is effective whether you’re selling a product or service. It can be just as useful for business-to-consumer marketing as it is for B2B marketing. In a nutshell, the answer to your business marketing needs and high profit goals is Creating Customer Satisfaction with Travel Incentives.
Travel incentives are magnetic when it comes to bringing in new prospects and equally effective when it comes to helping existing customers stick.
Give the People What They Want
Creatively designed the Electronic Incentives Program can be developed according to the needs of any company and the interests of its consumers. They're a great way to increase sales at mortgage companies, jewelry agencies, auto dealerships, and even scuba diving shops!
Now, travel incentive programs do more than generateleadsThey make it easier to sell more and close more often. How? Value-added travel incentives strike a chord with people in more financially secure demographics…from upwardly mobile professionals to comfortably retired seniors.
To learn more about how you can incorporate this program in your organization, simply go to http://www.club.2freedom.com

Monday, March 18, 2013

How Can I Use Incentives To Grow My Business ?

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider using incentives as a tool:
  1. Knowledgeable and attentive employees account for 80% of the reasons consumers feel satisfied, according to a PNC Bank Corp. survey.
  2. Fewer than one in four American workers is working at full potential; half of all workers do no more than directly asked, and 75% of employees say they could be more effective in their jobs, according to the Public Agenda forum.
  3. 70% of unhappy customers abandon vendors because of poor service, according to the Forum Corp.
  4. A 5% increase in customer retention can increase lifetime profits from a customer by 75%, according to the Loyalty Effect by Frederick Reichheld.

How Can I Use Incentives in My Business?

Incentive programs can be used successfully in many ways, here are a few:
Sales and Customer Retention

Reduce Advertising Costs Maintaining Price Integrity
Attract New Visitors to Your Store or Web Site Open More Investment Accounts
Business Gifts Promote Closeout Inventories
Close More Sales Referral Incentives
Consumer/User Promotions Sell More Products
Create New Markets Set More Appointments
Encourage Repeat Business Thank You Gifts
Improve Direct Mail Response Upgrade Sales and Purchases

Employee Improvement/Dedication
Acknowledge Milestones and Achievements Increase Employee Loyalty
Create a Successful Sales Team Motivating Sales Staff
Ensure a Safe Workplace Reward Employees
Exceed Sales Goals Reward Extraordinary Service
Foster Teamwork Sales Incentives
Improve Employee Retention Support Perfect Attendance
Fund Raising
Increase Circulation
Trade Show Giveaways

Below are a few specific case examples and ideas of the great benefits and possibilities derived from using Incentives, namely Travel Incentives. Credit - Lynne Gabriel (ArriveNet Editorials)

Sales Incentives - To increase sales

In a May Promo Magazine special report, it was noted that LifeUSA attracted new agents and sent sales soaring by abandoning its annual cash incen-tive program for a more inclusive campaign that gave out merchandise and travel. By the program's conclusion, policy enrollments exceeded LifeUSA's initial goal by 700%. There were 10,000 certificates issued... more than twice what the company planned for. (Copyright IMA)
Employee Incentives - To motivate, retain and reward loyal and efficient employees
A small retail store in Maryland, Target Appliance, used travel incentives.
"We introduced our first travel incentive for sales employees five years ago,"
says President Daryl Gamerman, "and since then we've only lost staff due to retirement. I don't ever have a problem with our sales people not working hard or volunteering for extra work, because they know it will help qualify them for a great trip."
Customer Loyalty Incentives - To build customer loyalty and trust
The Frequent Builders Program at Garco Building Systems offered travel awards to individuals. Since launching the program five years ago, Garco has experienced a 15 to 25% growth rate, compared to an industry standard of 2-3%. The company grew a robust 37%. While it's impossible to measure precisely the role that the Frequent Builders Program played, "there is no doubt in my mind that it helps to build customer loyalty," says Loomis.
Referral Incentives - To develop contacts or promote referrals
'Refer three new customers to our Tanning Salon and we will give you a free cruise to the Bahamas or Mexico.' is one example of so many ways to use incentives to get those referrals every company needs.
Purchase Incentives - Increase cash flow and obtain money upfront
'Pre-pay a one year service agreement, you will get a free 7 days and 6 nights resort condo accommodation in the destination of your choice.' is an example how incentives can be used to up sell.
Member Perks - Sell new accounts or memberships
'Join our golf club now and we will send you and a companion to Las Vegas with airfare and hotel!'
'We will send you and a companion to a free vacation for 3 days/2 nights in over 30 destinations when you open a checking or savings account with us.'
Encourage responsiveness or trial of product or service
'Send back our questionnaire, we will send you and a companion to Orlando near Disney with free hotel and airfare!' 'We will give you a free 3 day/2 night vacation to Orlando when you test drive our all new Honda Hybrid.'
These are just a few types of companies who successfully use Incentives in their businesses:
Auto DealershipsMulti-Level MarketersBanks
Non-profit organizations (fundraising, etc.)Catalog CompaniesOffice Supply Companies
ChurchesPublic SpeakersCredit Card Companies
Radio StationsDistributorsReal Estate Brokers
Furniture RetailersRetailersInsurance Companies
Service ProvidersJewelry StoresSports Organizations
ManufacturersTelemarketersMortgage Lenders

The Travel Incentive Advantage

Vacation and travel incentives are one of the most powerful methods of attracting business, retaining profitable clientele, increasing profits, enhancing product awareness and improving employee productivity.
Businesses that have used vacation travel incentives in their marketing and promotions have seen at least 30% increase in their sales on both sides of the buy and sell cycle.
Why Use Travel Incentives?
Travel is considered to be the most effective reward.
According to the result of an email survey conducted by CMI, 58% say travel is more effective than cash or merchandise. Survey respondents consider travel to be the most effective reward. (Incentive Travel Fact Book)
Travel has a universal appeal and high-perceived value
USA Today, on their recent survey, stated that "93% preferred travel over other incentives." This is because vacation travel is something that some or most people would not be able to get for themselves.
Travel is desirable
A question asked on the Wirthlin Worldwide Research Survey was "Suppose your employer wanted to reward your work performance. What would you find most rewarding?"
88% - indicated a trip they plan and take with a companion to the destination of their choice
5% - indicated a trip planned for them and a companion of choice with their co-workers
5% - indicated a trip planned just for them and their co-workers
Though its value is concrete and while it could be used to purchase a life-style award, most likely cash will be charged against a pile of bills. And with the demise of the cash award goes the memory of its origin leaving no trace of psychological branding.
Joe Devlin of Mitsubishi Fusco Truck of America Inc. quoted, "Cash goes straight into people's pockets, and they need it to supplement their salary, but our trips give us the competitive edge. They're a big part of how we motivate the salesperson at the dealership that has the opportunity to sell more than one product."

About us

Team $hare Stiforp gives you the advantage of unlimited branding and printing access to 40 high value incentive certificates to boost your leads sales and income. Take the free tour at http://club.2freedom.com !

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Networking Versus Not Working ?

Have you ever made an important change or improvement in your life in the past and never had to make any effort ? Didn't think so and yet some people believe that they can start a new venture and do not-work-marketing. No such thing. Every new change in your life had initial stress.

The first time you went to school and had to make new friends and adjust to the routine. First time you went to high school and had to adjust and make new friends. The first time you rode a bike. The first time that you drove a car and had to pass your driver's exam. The first time you went to college. The first job that you had- all brought their own type of stress requiring effort and work on your part. You had to make an adjustment until it became automatic.

Recruiting downline and building your network marketing organization is the same thing. There is an adjustment at first but as you apply yourself and do your first few recruits and your first few dozen, you get into the swing of things. If you do nothing, nothing happens. It's called network marketing.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Change your perception and you change your stress and enhance success !

The great business philosopher, Jim Rohn, said that if we want to earn more we have to become more and this statement resonates so much with me because I discovered that we bring ourselves into everything that we do. Most people work at jobs they don't truly like simply because the job was not created by them but by someone else.

If we work at changing our thoughts and emotions we become more at... peace, more relaxed and more happy in any situation even the ones we don't love very much and are consciously aware that we don't love very much just because we become more relaxed and happy about life period. We are then better able to cope with challenges and stress.

We bring our "feeling good' into even jobs we are not crazy about and they become more "tolerable". Jim Rohn said that we can't change the outside world but we can change ouselves. This is why personal development books, cds, dvds, mp3 audio and video files are so crucially important. It's because we change our perception of stress when we change ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Mind Tech 2 Fortune