Sunday, June 6, 2010

Shift Work vs. Network Marketing

Studies conducted by Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. reveal the stress impact of shift work. Mental and physical effects of night work have been shown to affect a workers concentration, alertness, motivation, and memory. Studies also found workers to be more fatigued following a 12 hour shift when compared to an 8 hour shift.

Physiological functions show distinct rhythmic changes called circadian rhythms in the course of a 24 hour period. The body's various circadian rhythms are "reset" every 24 hours by environmental clues such as light and darkness. For example body temperature increases with daylight and decreases at night (circulation may be impacted).

The human body is meant to be active during daytime hours, while during night time hours it is meant to recover and replace energy. Working at night and sleeping during the day is opposite to the body's "biological" clocks and what the body naturally wants to do. This may make sleeping difficult, it may also mean that the body cannot recover as quickly from physical and mental exertions/demands.

One study found the risk of breast cancer to be 60 percent higher in women who worked the night shift compared to those did not. Higher risk of miscarriage, lower rates of pregnancies and deliveries, spontaneous abortion, delayed fetal development, increased risk of pre term delivery and low birth weight have also been observed in some studies. You choose your own shift in network marketing. Income Club.

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